
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

It’s hard to believe this is day one of week two ministry.  We’re beginning to get a little more comfortable with our surroundings and with our ministry opportunities.  That doesn’t mean it’s easy, but we’re getting used to it.  Our family is doing wonderful!  I’m amazed at how well we really are.  The food is great.  Sarah even eats the pap and beans at the carepoints!!!  (And she doesn’t eat hardly anything!)
Ministry has been a good challenge.  We have split the team into three groups.  Doyle, Teresa and I lead each group.  We rotate every day between the carepoint, the hospital, and The Hope House (which is like a hospice facility).  Tomorrow we’re supposed to start home visits.  I took our group back to the children’s ward at the hospital today.  (I actually drove the Kumbi today–yes, Swazis drive on the wrong side of the road!!!)  Hospital visiting hours are from 12:00 to 2:00.  We gave away “Jesus” teddy bears.  The mothers loved it, and the children did too.  The moms will take the Jesus bears and kiss the baby with it.  Then they wrap the bear up in the blanket with the baby.  It’s hard to visit the hospital.  Most of the patients are babies.  They’re all throwing up.  Snake bites.  Meningitis.  Broken limbs.  And they’re all so small.  When we talk to the mothers, we find out that the child is about 8 or 9 months old.  They’re no bigger than a 3 or 4 month old back in the states.  Very malnourished.  Most of them are HIV positive and probably have TB as well.  The language barrier is somewhat difficult.  When we give the Jesus bears, the mothers smile and immediately say “Pray for my baby.”  Door open for God to heal!  The hospital is unlike anything you’ve ever seen.  It’s nasty.  Rundown.  There’s no running water at times.  How do you have a hospital with no running water?  Everyone is lined up in one big room.  Babies are lying next to one another — no matter their symptom or sickness.  It’s like one big changing table with five babies lying on each one.  The mothers sleep under the beds on the cold floor.  They ask why we come.  Why do we leave “America” and come to a land that is so poor and dying.  The tell me want to live and make money in America.  I’ve even been offered a baby.  The mother begged me to take her baby with me to America to get her help.  Why do we come?  I had to really think about it.  It’s definitely not a vacation.  The love of Christ compels us to be here!  I’m not sure if the mothers understand that.  I pray that they do or that they will. 
Most of the team went to a game reserve on Saturday.  They had a great time seeing all of the animals and seeing more of Africa.  Doyle took lots of pictures.  Autumn, Kelsey, Anna, Angela and I went to the Timabli Crafts women’s retreat.  It was Friday afternoon through Sunday morning.  It was such a pleasure to meet and talk with the gogos and the mages who make the purses and table runners!  This was the first time that all of the gogos from the many different carepoints have come together.  We helped give them a well-needed break from their everyday life.  It was truly a special weekend.  By Saturday afternoon, we were dancing and singing with the gogos.  It was so much fun.  I sure wish I could understand what they were saying!  From what I could understand it’s 7/11 songs because they sing the same things over and over!  These ladies know how to worship!  Their singing is beautiful.  They do this line dance where everyone gets behind one another and dance through the room.  Then they back up and dance backwards.  It’s so fun to watch.  They have such a good time with the Lord.  Our group also helped with activities.   I showed the gogos how to make a scarf.  They sewed buttons on them and then used them for head coverings!  There were also health checks going on at the same time.  It’s very easy and cheap to buy blood pressure medicine here in Swaziland.  Some of the women were given a 30 day supply, and the nurses will follow-up with them at the carepoints.  We also facilitated games –which were absolutely hilarious to watch!  I was blessed to be able to sit in on a session where the gogos shared their God stories — their life stories.  They would share their testimony and then pray for one another.  It was beautiful to see the Lord at work.  On Sunday morning, our group did a skit — the parable of the sower and the seeds.  Caleb and Josh helped us.  Josh was the farmer.  Caleb was the seed who got choked.  I read the scripture, Ti-Ti, our translator who is living with us, spoke it in siSwati, and then our team would act it out.  They were very dramatic.  The gogos loved it.  It made them laugh so hard!  I wanted to go to the game reserve, but I wouldn’t have missed this opportunity to spend the weekend with these Godly women. 
I haven’t had the chance to come and update the blog as much as I wanted, but I’m going to try and make it a priority.  I know many people are wondering how things are going and how we’re doing.  The time is flying by.  The team leaves in less than two weeks.  We are staying a few days after they leave.  We’ll probably go to Nsoko, the poorest part of Swaziland.  Oh and by the way, we found out that we are living in one of the richest parts of Swaziland.  Our house is called “The White House.”  Erin has been “teaching” with Christine, one of the AIM missionaries.  The school is at the end of our road.  It is the most prestigious school in Swaziland.  One of the King’s sons attends this school, and he is in the class that Erin teaches.  She loves being called “Teacher Erin.” 
Doyle is preaching next Sunday at church.  And the group is singing.  They even have a keyboard.  I was called out this past Sunday at church.  “The pastor’s wife” gave the closing prayer.  It was funny.  They kept asking “the pastor’s wife” to pray.  I didn’t know they were talking to me!  I was so nervous!  But God is good! 
We love you all, and we thank you for your prayers!  We couldn’t do this without you!!!
Tonya & Doyle
Caleb, Josh, Erin & Sarah
Ask for anything you like, and make it as difficult as you want…Isaiah 7:11
GO and announce to them that the Kingdom of Heaven is near.  Heal the sick, raise the dead, cure those with leprosy, and cast out demons.  Give as freely as you have received!

5 responses to “Hey from Swaziland”

  1. Tonya, it’s good to be able to follow what you are doing by reading your blog. We are praying for all of you everytime we think of you. So proud that you all were big enough to “step outside the box” and do more than just talking about wanting to do something for Jesus. What you all are doing is an inspiration for the rest of us. Hug my youngins for me and tell them that Mamaw & Papaw love them very much. I can’t wait to see the pictures and hear the testimonies when you get back home! We are praying for your safe journey and know that with your talents that you are spreading hope and your love for Jesus to those in need. Tell our son that we love him too and we are so proud of your group and your mission to spread the word! Love, Mom & Dad
    P.S. Brian said to tell you hello!

  2. Hey, I just wanted to thank you so much for this detailed blog. Autumn, on your team, is one of my closest friends, and when she told me she was doing this, my heart jumped for joy, and then hit the floor knowing all she would go through. I did some ministry in the Czech Republic a few years ago, and also a summer length ministry deal on a remote indian reservation in Montana back in 05. These both helped me to see America in a new way. My heart longs to be a missionary now, and go serve where ever God wants. I just wanted you to know that I will be praying for you, your marriage, and your team for health, unity, rest, and renewed passion every morning as you head out for the day. I wish I could be there and serve with you all, but I know that God is using me here for now. Thanks for stepping up and shining for Jesus! As I am reading your blogs-I can just imaging you all in heaven when you see the faces of those you are serving, and watching you sing praises to God in siSwati!!! How amazing Heaven will be, and how amazing that you answered Gods call in your life, and because of what God is doing through you all, you are bringing the swaziland people to know Christ, and dwell with Him forever! PRAISE BE TO GOD!!!

    I look forward to more posts! Pick on Autumn as much as possible and let her know its from her Bro and I. haha


  3. Thanks again for all the Swazi news! It means so much to this “homesick” gal!

  4. I really admire you for your mission trip. I can’t wait to here more about your adventures and how God is working through you.

    Our prayers are that you will be safe, stay healthy and touch lots of lives for God’s kingdom in your journey.

  5. Oh, my dears, it’s so good to hear from you and how the Lord is using you all . He is being glorified in and through
    you. I continue to pray for God to be glorified and you to be strenthened and protected. Sure would like to hear Doyal’s preaching.
    Love you all and may our all sufficient Papa continue to bless you and the team.
    Candy Haymon saw this on a blog and I love it so I’ll share it. “Skinny dipping in a pool of Grace.”
    Love, love, love.