
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

So far, we’ve talked about a lot of logistics on how to start up a blog, how to avoid poor blogging, and how to captivate your audience with a good story.

Now, let’s talk about what you can actually do with your blog – not only how to spice it up with interesting content, but how you can use it to make a difference.

First, let’s discuss what you have in your “tool belt.” You can do a lot on a blog besides write little journal entries. Depending on your expertise, writing may not even be the main medium utilized on your blog. In addition to writing, you can post images, videos, or audio clips.

Click here to read an article on video blogging.
Click here to read more about audioblogging.
Click here to read the top ten tips on good blog-writing and a list of links to more blogging how-to’s

As a general rule, I try to include at least one photo per written post, just to give my audience something interesting to look at.