Hi everybody!
I just want to say that I am so excited to meet everyone. I’m pumped to see how God uses each of our strengths to work together for the good of His kingdom!
My name is Autumn, and I was born and raised in Kansas City, Kansas. I have two younger siblings and a Mom and Dad who are pretty much amazing! I’m a senior at Bethel College, in Indiana and I’ll be graduating in about 60 days (not like I’ve counted or anything). I’m also a resident assistant in one of the dorms on campus. I love the ministry opportunity of just being able to be real with the girls and use my story to help encourage them with theirs.
I am graduating with a Liberal Studies degree which involves three concentrations of Sociology, Psychology and Early Childhood. I LOVE children and have a strong passion for working with them. I hope to someday be a child life specialist who works in hospitals and helps kids understand surgery stuff and such before they go in. Also, I’d love to eventually work with a ministry organization helping develop Early Childhood programs within the communities.
I love taking pictures of God’s creation. I LOVE sunsets and sunrises. I’m looking forward to seeing God’s indescribable creation in Swaziland. I can’t wait to meet His children there either.
I am such a little kid at heart and love coloring. My fun dream job is a dream of one day working at the Crayola factory..and somehow being an international ambassador (don’t even know if they exist) who goes and gives away Crayola products to under privelaged kids.
Are you serious about the candies?? I did not know that! Thanks! I am having a wonderful week! Can’t wait to meet you? How is your week going?