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Thoughts & Inspiration

   My time in Swaziland is quickly coming to an end. I can’t believe Monday I’ll be back in the States trying to adjust to life as I knew it. Life as I knew it seems so distant to life as I’ve known it these last four weeks. I can not imagine my life back at home because I’m SO attached to these kids.
   Yesterday was our last day at the Care Point. We threw a party for the kids. Kelsey and I baked 6 cakes yesterday morning and we bought custard to put on the cakes instead of icing. It’s a Swazi treat. I was so pumped to give them their little treat. After their pop (they didn’t have beans yesterday) they lined up anxiously awaiting the special treat. They were so so so grateful and excited. Their smiles were incredible. Even the little ones knew the excitement of lining up for cake. Doyle and them hooked up the speaker system with an Ipod and we had a dance party too! Oh my goodness… they were so adorable! They pretty much followed your lead and copied every dance move you did. It was very bittersweet. The David Crowder song, “Oh Praise Him” brought a lot of us to tears. Here we were in Africa, dancing with God’s childrend, singing praises to God and knowing that we won’t dance with them again until Heaven. It was bittersweet but a beautiful thing. I love those kids so much. I really can’t imagine life without them. I’ve seen them pretty much everyday these last 3 weeks.
    The kids have changed more than I can even fully process. I really don’t what everyday at home looks like when these kids are here.
    I held Neseepo for almost an hour. She was in such a silly mood! She kept saying “go, and kimchi” which means run. We’d run back and forth and I’d tickle her and hug her and love on her. Her laugh is so contagious. Actually most Swazi children laugh from the the depths of their souls and it’s so refreshing to hear! 
    The bucket baby’s sister was there today and she was very sad that we wouldn’t be coming back. I told her that I would pray for her and show her picture to my family when I got back to America. Towards the end of the day, she asked me for food and told me she was hungry. I didn’t have anything to give her. As we loaded the Kumbi I was telling my fellow teammates and asking if they had any food…and they did! So.. I got back out of the kumbi with a bag filled with some cookies, water, and a candy bar. I handed it to the girl and she immediately hugged me tight. Yes, it brought tears to my eyes! Aww. I prayed with her and then got back in the Kumbi. It still hasn’t hit me that we won’t be back. I’m trying to comprehend it, but it’s so hard. It’s still surreal to me.
             I definately want to return to Swaziland!
    Treasure the head of the Care Point was very grateful for our team. She thanked us for spoiling and taking care of “her children”. Our team bought new rags, scrubbers, sponges and spoons for the Gogos. Treasure was very grateful for our gifts. Also, we had almost an entire cake left, and I told her she could have it. She was very excited and began singing ,”Praise the Lord.” We also had 4 boxes of unopened custard which we gave her too. She was almost gitty. It was awesome~!!! And.. the Gogo loved the cake so much that she asked me for the recipe! This is the infamous recipe that I made 5 of for the Lady’s Timabli retreat a few weeks ago. So.. in the entirety of this trip I’ve made 13 cakes ( i made one for our team last week). So.. with a double check of the ingredients with Kelsey I was able to recall the cake from memory and write it down for her. I thought about renaming it to Autumn’s Yellow Cake recipe, but instead I named it Awesome yellow Cake. Our team has renamed it to Swazi Yellow Cake.  I think Tonya is going to put the recipe on here at some point. i don’t have enough time to type it out, otherwise I would.
~~ Lori and Alex.. Congrats on baby Lilly! I am so pumped for you guys!
~~ Rose and Ashley and anyone else…. start talking and planning a visit to KC..
I love you all!!